Editing Faculty and Staff Profiles
Only those given the ability to EDIT Faculty and Staff Profiles may make changes to user profiles. Your school administrator may assign access to Edit Faculty and Staff profiles.
To ADD a new Faculty Profile
Login to TAPPSter.com
Click Faculty and Staff
Click Green Plus Sign at the top left of the screen
Enter required data
Click SAVE at the top.
TO EDIT A FACULTY PROFILE (Only those with access to edit Faculty Profiles may make changes.)
Click the Faculty Name
Edit any information necessary
Click Save at the top.
To ADD a new Faculty Profile
Login to TAPPSter.com
Click Faculty and Staff
Click Green Plus Sign at the top left of the screen
Enter required data
- First
- Middle name or initial
- Last name
- Choose Male or Female
- Mobile Number (an after school hours number- many TAPPS events happen after school office is closed.)
- School phone (you may also include an extension)
- Email Address(all TAPPS communication is dependent on the accuracy of the email listed)
- Login User ID (This should not be generic or easily guessed)
- Password (This should not be generic or easily guessed)
- Can View Student Info? This allows faculty to see personal student data (view Eligibility form), but will NOT allow editing of student data (may not edit nor submit Eligibility Form)
- Can Edit Student Info? This allows faculty to edit personal student data (Add students, Delete Students, Edit Students to include on eligibility forms, submit Eligibility Forms)
- Can View/Edit Faculty? This allows faculty to edit other faculty profiles. This also gives access to control access of other faculty.
- Select any Admin, Staff, Fine Arts, or Sport Roles
- Choose HEAD role or ASSISTANT Role
Click SAVE at the top.
TO EDIT A FACULTY PROFILE (Only those with access to edit Faculty Profiles may make changes.)
Click the Faculty Name
Edit any information necessary
Click Save at the top.